Leatherbay Incorporated is a California Corporation engaged in design and distribution of high quality leather products in USA. Leatherbay products are known for their durability and excellent craftsmanship.
LeatherPaks offers quality leather bags including backpacks, briefcases, duffle bags, luggage, unisex bags and more at discount prices. Free Shipping and Satisfaction Guaranteed.

We are a small Canadian dance shoe company that produces a unique, unisex dance shoe in the style of a retro sneaker. We sell throughout North America and in other parts of the world as well. We are a little over a year and half old and presently have the shoes produced overseas. We are looking for a manufacturer to grow with us on a long-term basis. We have two styles; one in 6 colors and another in 2 colors and have either all-suede uppers or all-leather uppers with full leather lining and suede soles. The shoes each come with a small drawstring canvas bag to carry them. We need someone who will produce, label and package the shoes as well as produce first samples. Our quantities are in the neighbourhood of 1200 pairs per year and growing. If you can do good quality, small, production runs and are willing to work with a growing company or a sourcing agent that could put this together then we would like to hear from you.

We manufacture synthetic soft rubber soles, vulcanized to perfection in different thickness, colours, sizes and texture with a leather look alike finish. We presently are exporting indirectly to U.S.A., have available production capacity and the best quality. We manufacture also our own vulcanized rubber sheets to make covers to be placed on the heels.

Not the advertising nor competition nor cheap production labour not even discount prices will get you a bigger place in today's footwear market. I assure you that the day will soon come when shoppers will not buy footwear without a health aim sole. As a buyer you will do the same, wouldn't you? If you think a sole is just a sole, think again.