Are you looking for brand shoes like Nike, Puma, Adidas, Salamander, Gabor etc. We have always 20-30.000 pairs on stock. Feel free to contact us.

B.B.S. - BEST BUY SHOES - first price shoes for professionals - More than 1000 styles on stock and delivered to you
B2B Shoes online - Showroom open 24hrs/day - You can order online - Payment by creditcard - Delivery at your warehouse from 5 cartons anywhere in Europe.
We are a children shoe factory in Spain since 1985. Sizes from 18 to 41. All kind of shoes like ballerinas, sandals, school shoes, classic, etc... in a medium-high qualityWe are a children shoe factory in Spain since 1985. Sizes from 18 to 41. All kind of shoes like ballerinas, sandals, school shoes, classic, etc... in a medium-high quality.

We are one of the leading companies in Italy for Import and Export of shoe components and shoe machinery. We have two other branches in the Middle East (Egypt and Jordan) We are interested to make business worldwide. We are speaking Arabic, English and Italian. If you are interested please don't hesitate to contact us even we can help you in Egypt and Jordan too.

We are an Import-export Company specialized in footwear and everything that belongs to shoe manufacturing. We can also help in other fields of trade like: Textile, Garments, Furniture. Our main markets are Egypt, Jordan and Italy. We are speaking Arabic, English and Italian. We offer high quality at a competitive price. If you are interested don't hesitate to contact us.