Specialist In ABS And Polycarbonate Plastic.


ASTRA 2000
We manufacture safety work and casual footwear specializing in waterproof using membrane and non membrane methods. We have Italian technicians and are capable of production of quick response to your order requirements.
With more than 1000 installations "ATELIER 98" is the most widespread management software for retailers of fashion: Boutiques, Footwear, Leather goods, Underwear, Sportswear, etc... The daily use of hundreds of your colleagues is the guarantee of the high reliability of our product. Whether you have a single point-of-sale or a chain of shops, you can get all the information you need just with one click! A staff of experts is at your disposition in case of some problem. You can personally try out the functionalities of Atelier 98 just sitting in front of your PC while a member of our staff will guide you via Internet to find out its potentialities!
ATIS - em, spol. s r.o., Zlin
The company ATIS - em, spol. s r.o., created in 1991, is concerned with installation of sale facilities including manufacture, supply and assembly of sale equipment, and with related construction works carried out by Atis - em as an affiliated building activity. An integral part of Atis - em is also company' s own projection section providing projects and projection documentation elaborated by an architect or a construction engineer and other specialists. At present, the Atis - em supplies complete atypical interiors including related works done as an affiliated building activity, and furniture for shops, offices and flats on a turn-key basis. On the ground-floor of the Atis - em company also a new sample room was opened displaying a variety of sale equipment. The company provides also comprehensive services for shoe and leather fancy goods shops starting with projection of operations to be carried out in a given space, selection of corresponding sale methods and ending with supply of sale and storage equipment.
A separate part of the company' s scope of activity are installations of exhibitions. Atis - em s.r.o. designs and installs type as well as entirely atypical expositions.