We are one of the most important factories in the italian market. We are interested in finding new markets to sell our products. We are looking for agents and dealers all over the world. We are trying to find collaborators especially in East Europe, in Africa and in the Far East. Our heels and soles are the product of the italian fashion footwear. We are also interested in selling used moulds of heels. If you want more information, feel free to contact us.
IPM S.r.l. -Industria Poliuretanica Montecosaro
We are one of the most important factories in the Italian market. We are interested in finding new markets to sell our products. We are looking for agents and dealers all over the world. We are trying to find collaborators especially in East Europe, in Africa and in the Far East. Our heels and soles are the product of the Italian fashion footwear. We are also interested in selling used moulds of heels. If you want more information, feel free to contact us.
We produce shoe soles for children/boy/girl, size range 18/40 and actually deal with well-established companies such as Chicco, Balducci, Kickers and Bata who have large markets worldwide. We are available to give you further information about our market orientation and will be truly glad to send you samples allowing you to test their first quality, guaranteed by the certification ISO 9002, that we're going to obtain.

We produce Golf Shoes 100% waterproof. Interested? Send us a mail.